NASA has always been very interested in lunar missions and Mars missions. NASA exists for exploration, but NASA cannot determine the projects it can carry out. This is determined by the President and Congress.
So the more accurate question is - if China lands on the moon, may this increase Washington's interest in lunar missions? The answer is, perhaps.
In the 1960s, lunar landing did not receive widespread support. But under the influence of McCarthyism, almost everyone is worried about standing on the side of "communists". The United States and the Soviet Union are competing for hegemony in many aspects to prove which form of governance is more advantageous. For the United States, what is important is that they are seen by the world as clearly superior to the Soviet Union. The Russians are relentlessly pursuing the United States in space, and the United States urgently needs a victory, so they put all their eggs in the basket of landing on the moon.

Today, the competition between the United States and China is not as fierce, and they are not mortal enemies. They are interdependent.
Although I believe that China, as a strong space competitor, will enhance the level of discussion about space, which may make it a topic of interest to politicians, I do not think this is enough to restart the space race. But if China seriously suggests establishing a permanent base on the moon, it will begin to attract attention in Washington.
The United States wants to take the lead in everything. So, if someone really wants to compete to win this award (becoming the most advanced space country), then the United States will participate more to maintain its top position.
So, if China wants to land on the moon and make a statement to the world (see, we are advanced, we have landed on the moon), China will start saying, "We want to establish a permanent work base on the moon, and by 2040, the staff will continue to rotate, so the United States may be very anxious because the United States does not want to become second place in such an important competition

China is 99% likely to keep its promise, while the United States is unlikely to do so.

This is a photo of 2 newspapers in 2004.
Let one is about China’s moon project. China Lunar Exploration Project was announced in Feb 2004, and it was already in implementation stage. China was planning to have a moon orbiting satellite within 3 years, a soft-landing on the moon in 6 years, and have moon dirt sample taken back by a robot before 2020.

By the end of 2020, in December, Chang-e 5 returned with 1731 gram of moon dirt.
Below are the moon projects announced by the United States, Russia, Japan, and India.
The US was going to land on the moon again in 2015, and establish an international moon base no later than 2020.
Russia was going to have a test launch of its latest moon landing ship.
India was going to launch its first unmanned moon ship Chandrayaan-1 in 2008.
Japan was going to eastablish its moon base in 2025, and send robots there.
Chinese newspaper reported moon projects from 5 countries in 2004.
So far, only China managed to keep on schedule.
So when China says that it’s people will land on the moon before 2030, it’s highly possible that it knows exactly where it is now, and how fast its moon project will go.

Good for them. We did it 54 years ago, so why can’t China do it? Any country that can develop the technology is free to land on the Moon under international agreements.
There will come a time when going to the Moon and back will not be a big deal anymore. Someone has to be the second to get there.

From American points of view, it sounds like quite late when the USA as done it in 1969 and subsequently a few more times.
For the Chinese, it is still a significant achievement and milestone if they can achieve it by 2030 since no other country has done it after the USA. Not even the Russians. Not only for the Chinese, by any standard, it will still be a significant achievement. Imagine for the 21st century, even the USA is having difficulty to repeat what they had done. This has lead to some scientists believing that human technology capabilities has actually peaked in 1960–1970 and we are now trying to regain such ability.

With the vast advancement of technology, why is USA now also struggling to return to the moon? As a person without much scientific knowledge, this is very puzzling. What is missing? Is funding the issue?

Good LUCK to them. Of course, we have ALREADY DONE SO 50 years ago, and are planning on doing so AGAIN by the end of the decade, with the purpose of settin up a permanent BASE on the Moon. But the Chinese are welcome to make their own efforts, and MAYBE, one day, we can COMBINE our efforts to mutual benefit. We TRIED that with the Russians at the international space station, but apparently, that has all fallen flat. Let us HOPE that together, the US AND China can use ‘space exploration and development’ as a means of ‘tempering’ and/or ‘tamping down’ disagreements here on Earth, and to mutual benefit. We can but hope.
As it appears, China will be the first nation to put men on the moon.
1. There is overwhelming evidence that NASA did not put men on the moon in 1969, nor in the subsequent missions. To paraphrase the head of the Russian space program; “We sent lunar orbiters over the supposed landing sites repeatedly, and there’s nothing there.” Believe what you may. The vast bulk of the world considers the United States to be thieving, lying, and mischievous rogue nation. As time moves on, peoples throughout the globe question the supposed actions and accomplishments of the United States. Indeed, this is a debatable subject, but this is not the place for that debate.
2. NASA plans to put a progressively diverse crew on the moon this decade. It will be on a spacecraft that superficially looks like the Apollo spacecraft, but uses technologies not available during the 1960’s. This crew will attempt some trivial “science experiments”, perform some “crowd pleasing” antics, and return home (supposedly) reinvigorated and proud United States.
3. The Chinese strategy in space exploration is for long-term objectives, and is proceeding in a systematic step-by-step progression. It is boring, but methodical. The Lunar outpost will consist of members selected from the Global South, and will be the beginnings of a long-duration colony as a step towards (already planned) Mars colonization efforts.
4. You can expect that the Chinese WILL visit the supposed Apollo landing locations. They will do so in 3D, high definition color and 7G technology. What they will discover will be broadcast to the world. If they find nothing, and that is what is expected, the implications will be extraordinary.

The Chinese are very patient. They are not like the US and Russians who rushed into space, then realised that they were wasting money on things that don’t matter, and then abandon their programs. If the US had taken a sensible approach to visiting the moon, they would have taken a much slower and more permanent approach.
The US is planning to go to the moon in 2025, but China is a turtle to the US hare, and will go when they are ready, rather than try and race the US to the moon. We see this with a lot of Chinese programs that are designed to catch up with the west. There is not attempt to leap ahead or even leap and catch up. Which is why China is making such good steady progress.

Yes, the landing of Chinese astronauts on the moon will be closely monitored by NASA funders.
China is constantly upgrading its development of sustainable energy and raw materials; China is becoming increasingly confident in dealing with other countries; Its ability to project power on a global scale is increasing day by day; China's public statement regarding the moon as a strategic highland; Its series of unmanned landers. All of these indicate that China is likely to make lunar landing a serious long-term goal.
With this possibility, the United States will have no choice but to participate more. If this is not done, the risk is that this country may ultimately make a decision on ownership of lunar resources for everyone, relying on the advantage of being one step ahead.
Considering the above events and trends, the following is a scenario that I have come up with:
As China's strength increases, it chooses to re-establish the broad principles of political sovereignty that have been the foundation of its worldview for centuries. China's cautious and successful space program has equipped it with the necessary technical and organizational capabilities to project power into low Earth orbit and beyond. China will announce its withdrawal from the Outer Space Treaty, claim sovereignty over the surface of the moon, and establish a "lunar defense identification zone" above it. The surface of the moon is mainly a mineral rich area that has been identified by the probe. Other countries have decided to follow suit and seize lunar land; It is no longer possible to prevent its sovereignty claims.